List of Common Allergic Diseases


Term allergy is associated with problems that arise in the functioning of the immune system in the human body. There can be different types of allergies depends on the allergic factors which trigger the allergic problem of an individual. There is no permanent cure for allergic diseases; however, some timely precautions help to live a healthy and normal life.

allergy doctor in Kolkata

Going further to this article, we will understand some common allergic diseases.

Hay Fever:

This allergic problem is seasonal and usually affects the immune system during the time of winter. Medical term for Hay Fever is allergic rhinitis. Symptoms of Hay fever generally revolve around cold. People usually feel running nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing, and sinus pressure. However, unlike other infection Hay fever doesn’t cause due to some bacterial infection.


The problem of Sinusitis occurs due to inflammation of the mucus membrane. Sinusitis has been categorized in two stages that are, Acute sinusitis and Chronic sinusitis.

As the name suggests, the problem of acute sinusitis cured properly after consuming relevant drugs, decongestant, and antihistamines.

Chronic sinusitis is a severe sinus problem that exists for three months and is considered as ‘chronic’. Also, medication has a little effect on this stage.


Allergic to Asthma is a very common allergic problem which is related to the lungs. In this problem, airways get block and person feel difficulty while breathing. Symptoms vary from person to person and also depend on the seriousness of the problem. Usually, symptoms of Asthma are coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, chest tightness, and producing a lot of mucus. People of all ages can suffer from Asthma. Therefore serious precaution needs to be taken of.


Eczema is one of the commonly observed skin diseases. The chance to be suffered from this problem gets double if the family has a history of the same disease. It is also characterized as an allergic problem which required strict precautions, so the problem doesn’t spread more.

The allergic problem can occur at any age. If any unusual symptoms are shown up, then it becomes alarming to visit a nearby allergy doctor in your city. Finding an allergy doctor is not a big deal. However, people usually feel doubt about the doctor’s treatment. Websites like can be visited to check the important characteristics like ‘experience’, ‘rating’, ‘fee’, ‘consultation time’. The website has the list of doctors as per their specification and city. If you are looking for allergy doctor in Kolkata, then you can search the same through the website. Within a second, a list of qualified and experienced doctor gets displayed in front of you, and you can select one doctor and book your consultation slot online.

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