7 best books on SEO-optimization and website promotion in 2020


The main duty of an SEO specialist is the effective promotion of Internet resources in search engines. No traffic – no sales, which is why good SEO professionals & SEO companies are so in demand.

7 best books on SEO-optimization and website promotion in 2020

Selection principles:

  1. The latest editions.
  2. Books should contain as much practice and specificity as possible and as little empty reasoning as possible.
  3. Positive feedback from readers and professionals.
  1. Igor Ashmanov. “Search Engine Optimization and Promotion”

What is the goal of the owner of a site, blog or account on the social network? Attract as many visitors as possible, turn them into loyal customers or subscribers. And do it in the least expensive way.

This book analyzes the most effective methods of promotion, allowing you to understand how the search engines Google and Yandex work, how people search for information and why they choose those and not other sites, in a word, describes what will help you bring users to your resource and make them buy from you, not from competitors.

The author talks about the latest technologies of network advertising and non-standard methods of promotion, and also offers proven practical advice on optimizing Internet resources.

This is the fourth fully updated edition of the business bestseller. It will be useful both for those who are just starting to engage in search engine optimization, and for experienced professionals, because in this rapidly changing field you need to learn constantly.

There are number of SEO Tycoons such as (Neil Patel, Brian Dean, Rand Fishkin, Shahid Maqbool & Jon Cooper) says that you have to continuously gain knowledge in order to master Google’s search conditions

  1. Igor Novitsky. “Internet Marketing. SEO Promotion

The book will provide answers to basic questions on promoting Internet resources using SEO tools. It will help to save time and increase money. Only real knowledge and practical cases from the author’s many years of work. To all book buyers, author support and useful information on the main material of the book. The book will be a great helper for those who seek to comprehend the world of sales on the Internet and reach the heights of CEO, namely the top 10.

  1. Mara Einstein. “Undercover Advertising: Native Advertising, Content Marketing, and the Secret World of Internet Promotion”

Forget about commercials, print ads and website banners – the consumer has learned how to avoid them: he switches the channel, he has an ad blocker in the browser. However, Internet users willingly share an interesting article or video with friends, involuntarily turning into brand ambassadors. Therefore, the task of advertising is not to sell a product, but to make it share content. Now advertising is offered to the consumer based on the data that he leaves about himself on the network.

The Internet audience is growing rapidly (more than 90 million people in Russia), more than 1 trillion search queries are sent to Google every year, and 200,000 photos are posted to Facebook every minute. All this means that simple advertising no longer works, it is time for impression marketing, native advertising and content marketing.

Media professor Mara Einstein has worked in advertising agencies for decades. In her book, she talks about how to create “undercover advertising” – exciting content in which it is impossible to recognize the marketing background. Here you will find clear theoretical foundations and successful cases that have already become classics of native advertising.

Where to buy a paper book, Where to buy an ebook

  1. Anger, Spencer, Stricchiola. “SEO – the art of website promotion”

Seth Godin, author of We Are All Strange

Even a well-designed and easy-to-navigate resource is completely useless if no one can find it. Therefore, to optimize the site so that search engines saw it, and when they saw it, they raised the results of output in the TOP – this is the main task of the site owner and optimizer.

In the third edition of the popular book, four well-known search engine optimization consultants talk about innovative methods that will help you plan and implement an effective website promotion strategy.

– You will learn the basic principles of optimization

– Understand how the search engines work and where to start optimizing the resource

– Get acquainted with simple but excellent promotion methods

– Understand how to manage the promotion of complex projects

– Learn how to create the best team of SEO specialists

  1. A. Voronyuk, A. Polishchuk. “Actual Internet Marketing”

The Internet offers a million opportunities to create your online business. But where exactly should you start implementing your project and how to develop it correctly?

This book describes all the most important tools of Internet marketing, which are really important for promoting your business.

For all those who have heard about conversion, Google Analytics, meta tags, seo, etc., but don’t know how to use them to make a profit, the authors described and explained the most important methods of working in Internet marketing. The result was an express course for young Internet marketers with the most effective marketing techniques.

The book will also answer many pressing questions. For example, why do I need a link builder? How to choose a format for content? How to make your site appear in the first positions of a search engine? How many times does a keyword need to be mentioned in the text so that targeted users find you? How to manage your reputation and work with the negative? What tasks does contextual advertising help to cope with?

  1. Goryaev, Melkin. “The art of website promotion. Full SEO course. From idea to first customers ”

The second edition of the book examines in detail all the issues of promotion on the Internet: selection of keywords, creation of selling content, increase in link popularity and so on. You will learn how search engine filters work, how to target by region, city, age and interests of potential consumers, in short, you will go all the way from creating a site to entering the search top and first sales.

It should be noted that the book is interestingly written, but most importantly there are a lot of really working techniques and methods of promotion, filed in the form of step-by-step instructions.

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  1. A. Petrochenkov. “Introduction to Google Analytics”

The person registered on the site and began to place an order. All is well, we are satisfied. But what is it? In the third stage (order confirmation), more than half of the users leave! That’s where the problem and ambush are. Everything is fine with advertising, there are a lot of people on the site, but why out of 843 who started placing an order, only 490 reach payment?

The answers are in this book!

In it you will find detailed illustrated step-by-step instructions for all occasions, with their help even a novice user can easily master Google Analytics. After studying the book, you will understand all the nuances of web analytics, you can confidently work without the help of a hired specialist and independently control the operation of your web resource.

“SEO copywriting 2.0. How to write texts in the era of semantic search ”

This book is an algorithm for creating powerful marketing and optimized text for a website from scratch. In the publication you will find effective tips and life hacks from experts in the field of SEO. Only real cases and case studies that help bring the site to the TOP. You will learn all about conquering a client using text. Discover LSI copywriting, learn about USP, CTA, AIDA, KEI and how they will help increase sales from the site.

We will also explain why old-school SEO copywriting will bring your website to Baden-Baden and what to do about it. Let’s share the secret under which sauce to submit prices on the site to sell more and more expensive than competitors. The book will be useful to business owners, novice copywriters, Internet marketers.

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