How to Slow Down the Growth of Cancer Cells With Erlotinib


Cancer cells grow much faster than normal cells and people usually do not have any way to know this. However, when they find out that someone close to them has been diagnosed with cancer they are normally very worried about what the outcome might be. Some people even go as far as trying to make arrangements for a stem cell transplant. This is a decision which really should not be taken until the doctor has all the information regarding the patient’s health and prognosis. There is a drug, called erlotinib, which can help to slow down the growth of cancer cells.

The use of erlotinib in treating cancer is quite controversial because of the possible effects that it could cause. This drug has been known to kill healthy cells and also cells that are normally healthy, but it has not been tested widely in humans as of yet. Even though it is still early days, it is known that the erlotinib which is made from cimetidine is highly effective at inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

There are some concerns regarding the potential long term effects which erlotinib might have on a person’s health, especially when used over a long period of time. However, it is not known exactly how long the effects of erlotinib will last. Most people who take this drug report that it is generally effective, however, they also state that they also had effects that were quite severe, including severe stomach problems.

Erlotinib was introduced into the market in 1997 and it was reported at that time that there had been quite a lot of success with the drug. It has been found that it is a powerful inhibitor of the tyrosine pathway which is involved in the production of the hormones estrogen and testosterone as well as growth factor. The growth factor is important for helping to maintain the cells of the bone, cartilage and connective tissue. By limiting the pathway, it allows for the cells to divide and to function more efficiently. How to slow down the growth of cancer cells with erlotinib therefore is by either limiting the effect of the tyrosine or interfering with the signal which the tyrosine sends to the cells. In either case, the growth of cancer cells will be severely limited.

How to slow down the growth of cancer cells with erlotinib is also based around the fact that the growth of cancer cells is dependent on a couple of different things. The growth of cells is dependent upon an increase in the levels of oxygen in the cell as well as an increase in the activity of the antioxidant response system. The presence of either of these chemicals is thought to be able to control the growth of a cell. Studies have shown that the body makes several types of free radicals that are involved in causing cancer and controlling the immune response system. Erlotinib may act by either directly or indirectly increasing the presence of these antioxidants in the body. You can check more at

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