Why Students and Professionals Make Spelling Mistakes


Work in the current culture of the professional circuit has gotten global. International business has become a norm for any organization that wants to sustain its business in the long run. This meant that professionals working for such organizations are meeting with people from across the globe. While international travels and acquaintances with new people increase day by day, we need to understand that communication goes a long way in building a good reputation among partners and helps to ensure long-term partnerships with such types of skilled professionals. Generally, we see that English has become the norm of getting communication across multiple people since it is one of the most widely known professional ways to communicate among professionals from all countries and industries.

Today we see that professionals residing from developing nations fall behind other professionals solely because they can’t compete with people who have a better grip upon things such as their communication and writing skills. As a student and a professional in the business world, we must understand that almost 90% of the business depends on your communication skills since it helps you to become better at persuading and convincing people. The bargaining of employees can also be sharpened, which would help professionals get a deal in their benefit using a diplomatic and strategic choice of words. Still, it makes you much more competent than other people. It is such a hard to develop skill and, once attained, can never grow old. Soft skill although are more comfortable to learn but ar far more challenging to implement with perfection since it not only depends on you but it depends on the situation of the two people communicating, their mentality and their regulation of emotion.

Although emotional stability is also highly linked with effective communication. It helps to regulate your emotion according to the other person to balance out the sentiment from the conversation and have a balanced discussion. But the problem pertaining to not only professional but students is they are silly and reoccurring spelling mistakes that they seem to do repeatedly. Some organizations even conduct a spelling test segment in their training program to train fresh graduates on how to speak and write correctly.

Why Students and Professionals Make Spelling Mistakes

One of the reasons why people have grown accustomed to making spelling mistakes is on the fact that these people rely heavily upon to correct their errors itself, which would, in turn, save them the time and the hassle to perform such small tasks by themselves. A similar situation is with students who have started to use slang and initials in their chatting groups. By only using jargon, they are destroying their mental capacity to learn new words and instead make shorter words for their convenience in order to communicate in the shortest amount of time. Top professionals have been seen to quote grammatically wrong sentences. Such people even find 4th grade spelling words challenging to spell out correctly.

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We must understand the fact that such flaws in the fundamental basis of education can lead to some long term adverse effects since the reliance on technology and other computer-oriented aid can lead to complicated situations people might have to experience when they are in front of people and are asked to perform such tasks which include such types of spelling-related things to tackle. How many times has it happened that you give your name to someone who writes it in a different spelling? These actions are not only unprofessional but also bring a negative image on the organization’s entire face. Hence, such a thing can be a great source of demoralization and demotivation in terms of self-judgment and credibility.


For such foolish flaws, people should be self-critical of such things. They should promote such defects so that people going through a similar situation may not feel shy and gain the confidence to work on themselves to get better. There are multiple ways to improve your spelling ability. Apps such as spellquiz.com, Quizlet, and spelling bee competition have made a significant impact, especially in the student community, to improve their English. While people may find it unworthy to drop themselves down to such a level spoken, they must realize that such thing is an excellent source of improving your soft skills, and no one is never too old to start learning again. While a student is much more self-motivated, they usually log onto such application. Still, adults and the professionals must also realize that this step is, in a way, an investment in your craft. Even if people who are related to jobs that don’t require a lot of communication must also realize that even if a person is an engineer or a doctor, they still need proper communication to perfect their skill hence the reason why at universities such students are mandatory also to pick up modules which help them to develop their soft skills as well.

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