How To Improve Leadership Qualities?


Any organisation that succeeds at the top-most level requires skilled personnel in executive and leadership departments that help firms go to the next level. To unlock success, growth and more business opportunities, it’s vital to optimise the existing resources, human capital, workflows, procedures and other arrears of an organisation and run them as per the leader’s ideas, visions and future long-term plans. Leaders in several leading corporations act as the main drivers of growth by setting up action plans to achieve their theoretical ideas and hypnosis and bring them together in practice.

Modern leadership is all about creating better engagement with their employees and developing communication channels that lead to clarity of visions, thoughts and ideas. Leaders of today know that by establishing rewards for different milestones involved in a project, assignment and other tasks undertaken by an organisation. Successful leaders don’t dictate terms to their subordinates but rather listen to their inputs and seek different perspectives. To thrive in a leadership capacity, upcoming leaders must enrol for the right programs and widen their horizons about the key elements that govern these domains.

Improve Leadership Qualities

Leadership: How to Unlock the True Potential of Employees?

“A ship is always safe at the shore, but that’s not what it’s made for.”

The empowering quote mentioned above by innovative thinker and scientist Albert Einstein sheds light on the need to push oneself out of familiar situations and face adversities for seeking new experiences, ideologies, and knowledge. Leaders are inspirational characters who display role model skills to get the most out of other staff personnel and unify them to succeed in their jobs. Leaders are instrumental in making significant changes to the corporational juncture and sometimes remodel and revamp the prevalent working systems.

Leaders must develop a plan that complies with their visions and gathers up the right staff members to bring it to reality. Several leadership courses in India have been designed to offer the best resources for theoretical and practical acumen that constitute this domain. Amongst these brilliant sets of courses, the XLRI leadership programis an excellent source for inculcating appropriate leadership qualities and displaying them while performing their duties.

How to Improve Leadership Qualities?

How does a leader develop the right set of characteristics?

What are the traits that young leaders should focus on improving in their careers?

Which are the most successful leadership qualities in the current day and age?

The plethora of leadership courses in India have dedicated course modules that aim at fostering the traits and qualities that leaders require for performing their daily job roles. A regular updating of knowledge, skill-sets and characteristics can be the difference between making an average career a successful one.

Here are the key characteristics that young and aspiring leaders need to focus on developing:-

Listening Effectively and Without Judgement

A successful and efficient leader needs clear and concise communication skills to interact with top-level executives and fellow employees. However, more than the speaking aspect of a leader, the listening part bears more importance while dealing with staff members and understanding their perspectives. Listening allows in getting feedback for different action plans, strategies and other aspects.

Numerous methods lead to effective listening practices, such as maintaining strong eye contact with team members, giving undivided attention while hearing others valuable inputs and insights, and responding appropriately. Furthermore, understanding the body language and gestures help with non-verbal communication and therefore, leaders need to look out for these signs while discussing particulars with their team members.

Ability to Motivate Others

A leader must be able to gather up their core workers and boost their morale towards achieving objectives. There would be situations wherein the employees feel demotivated, tired and exhausted both mentally and physically while working on certain projects. In such a case, leaders need to display mentorship skills and motivate their team members to pick themselves up and perform as per expected levels.

Developing a positive work culture that makes it safe to fail will help ease nerves and incorporate work breakdown structures (WBS) for dividing major tasks into small achievable parts is a great way to relieve employees of stress related to work and other setbacks. Leaders can give awards for hitting benchmarks, handing out lunch passes and unwinding with employees post-work hours can create a healthy work atmosphere.

Distribution of Tasks

Task delegation is a key part of any managerial and leadership role. Leaders know that the distribution of tasks and assignments to employees makes them feel valued and empowered. The XLRI leadership program trains leaders for allocating work duties to their employees as per their talents and capabilities.

“The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants to be done and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”

The insightful quote mentioned above by Theodore Roosevelt stresses on the need for avoiding micromanagement by giving power to staff personnel to carry out their duties. Doing so will further lead to better involvement of employees in corporate’s arrears and help in introducing good skill-building programs for bettering employees work output.

Resolving Conflicts

Leaders are skilful in dealing with difficult people and resolving conflicts. These individuals know exactly when to intervene if there’s a lack of commitment from an employee or a negative attitude towards work or other staff members.

Therefore, leaders must be honest and straightforward, and it requires courage. It isn’t an easy task to fire employees. Hence, it’s a good practice to listen attentively and suggest a solution accordingly.

Leadership Qualities: Improves Quality of Work Ethics

Organisational leaders are the chariots for growth, success and bring in revenues and profits for their companies. Moreover, a leader has a titular role to play in an employee’s corporate career. True, decent educational backgrounds and a degree is vital for the development of a successful leadership career. However, these individuals need to develop specific characteristics as described above that help firms in achieving profitable prospects.

Variety of leadership courses in India help in developing successful careers. The XLRI leadership program provides knowledge of its key concepts that can help young leaders mature in their careers.

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