Using Social Media to Support Online Learning


We are well aware of how massive the social media outreach is and the great impact it has on the lives of individuals. With the global pandemic looming over us, both social media and online learning have been big saviours, especially for the younger generation. These technological advancements have helped us greatly in ib tuitions and social interactions, keeping many of us sane during the pandemic.

While social media has its own set of drawbacks. If put to good use social media could help support online learning in the following ways:

  • Social media is often used throughout the day and can be used as a good strategy as reminders for projects and completing homework. You could begin by creating a page on a popular social media platform and updating regular reminders for projects, events and classes in general.
  • You could also notch up the learning experience with the new “Live” feature available on social media platforms. Conduct live lectures and discussions with your students outside of class hours, promoting learning beyond the classroom.
  • The teacher could create group chats for every class, where students feel comfortable clarifying their doubts and voicing their opinions. Not only will this help clarify doubts as a unit, but also promote discussion among the students. This would lead the students to clarify each other’s doubts as well and exclude the teacher from attending to each and every doubt personally.
  • Creating a class blog focused on your particular subject that keeps your students engaged, will help make online classes more interesting. You can even ask the students to take turns to manage blogs to keep them more involved.
  • Give assignments that require the use of social media. You could ask students to read up on something, make a video or create art on a particular topic and post it using social media. This will push them to do research on the topic and bring out creativity among your students.
  • Use platforms such as Pinterest / Canva to add a creative edge to your work. You could create mood boards outlining a topic or even upload some basic artwork. You could then encourage your students to do something similar in groups or individually. If you want to go the extra mile and add a healthy dose of competition, you could also go ahead and make it a marked assignment.
  • Last but not the least, organisations could use social media platforms to promote their online courses and make themselves known to people. This would be helpful in promoting their business and also help students indulge in quality education.

These are only a few ways in which social media could help facilitate online tuitions in India. With an array of social media platforms offering several features, you could use what suits you the best according to your needs and requirements. When used judiciously, social media can help enhance the learning experience and go hand-in-hand with online learning.

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